prof. Jerzy Wiszniewski
Professor of law, long-time academic lecturer and author of academic textbooks

Prof. Jerzy Wiszniewski was born on 29 January 1908 in Saint Petersburg and died on 19 January 1990 in Warsaw.
He was a long-time academic lecturer (at Stefan Batory University, the University of Warsaw, and the Central School of Planning and Statistics) and author of academic textbooks.
He specialized in commercial, financial and economic law.
He completed the Faculty of Law at Stefan Batory University in Wilno (the present-day Vilnius University) in 1931. He then pursued his judicial and advocate training, while continuing his scholarly work. In 1936 he was awarded a doctorate in law at Stefan Batory University with a dissertation entitled Industrial associations and cartels.
He was named an associate professor in 1951 and full professor in 1961 at the Central School of Planning and Statistics in Warsaw.
He began his practice as an advocate in Wilno and then continued that work in 1936–1939 in Warsaw. At the same time, he served as a legal and economic adviser in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. He also lectured on commercial law at Stefan Batory University until it was closed at the end of 1939.
During the Second World War, he initially worked at the Planning Commission in Kowno (Kaunas), but in 1941 returned to Warsaw, where he taught privately.
After the war he served as an adviser to the Minister of Provisions and Trade. He also headed the foreign trade headquarters “Dal” (1946–1948).
In 1947 he became assistant professor and director of the Department of Economic Policy at the Academy of Political Sciences, and in 1949 director of the Department of Economic Law at the Central School for the Foreign Service. In 1950–1952 he worked at the Department of the Theory and Philosophy of Law at the University of Warsaw.
From 1949 until his retirement in 1978, he headed the Department of Economic Law at the Central School of Planning and Statistics. In 1950–1952 he was also dean of the Faculty of Finance at that institution, and in 1952–1955 director of the Team Department of Finance.
He was a member of the scientific council of the International Institute for Labour Studies at the International Labour Organization (United Nations, Geneva, 1959–1963), and a member of the board of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (United Nations, Geneva, 1960–1966).
Prof. Jerzy Wiszniewski specialized in financial and economic law. He was chiefly interested in the issue of state enterprises.
In the 1970s he drafted an extensive work entitled Legal organizational infrastructure of the state sector of the national economy, and in 1988 a monograph entitled The state enterprise: A legal study. He included in the monograph all of the principal theses and conclusions he had reached through many years of study of the state enterprise. He took the view that it was necessary to increase the independence of state enterprises, and first and foremost state enterprises should be aimed at earning a profit, which should be the only criterion for evaluating their operations.
Prof. Jerzy Wiszniewski’s work as a teacher was particularly noteworthy, and many of the academic textbooks he authored were groundbreaking. Ranks of Polish economists gleaned knowledge from such textbooks as Encyclopaedia of law, Elements of law, Civil law and Economic law. His death interrupted advanced work on a textbook on economic law under the conditions of a market economy.
- Zrzeszenia przemysłowe a kartele [Industrial associations and cartels] (Wilno, Warsaw: Gebethner & Wolff, 1936)
- Pojęcie spółki cichej [The concept of the silent partnership] (Wilno 1937)
- Prawo gospodarcze [Economic law], part 1 (Warsaw: Akademia Nauk Politycznych, 1949)
- Z problematyki socjalistycznej własności państwowej: (na marginesie pracy Wenediktowa pt. „Socjalistyczna własność państwowa”) [On the issue of socialist state property (concerning Venediktov’s work Socialist state property)] (Warsaw 1949)
- Prawo gospodarcze: skrypt z wykładów na roku II Wydz. Społ. Polit. Akademii Nauk Politycznych [Economic law: Textbook from lectures for the second year of the Faculty of Social Policy, Academy of Political Sciences], parts 3–4 (Warsaw: Akademia Nauk Politycznych, 1950)
- Prawo gospodarcze: skrypt z wykładów na roku II Wydz. Społ. Polit. Akademii Nauk Politycznych [Economic law: Textbook from lectures for the second year of the Faculty of Social Policy, Academy of Political Sciences], parts 5–7 (Warsaw: Akademia Nauk Politycznych, 1950)
- Wykład pt. Encyklopedia prawa [Lecture entitled “Encyclopaedia of law”], vol. 1, Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki w Warszawie, Studium Zaoczne, Katedra Prawa (Kraków, Warsaw, 1952)
- Wykład pt. Encyklopedia prawa [Lecture entitled “Encyclopaedia of law”], vol. 2, Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki w Warszawie, Studium Zaoczne, Katedra Prawa (Kraków, Warsaw, 1952)
- Encyklopedia prawa [Encyclopaedia of law], part 1, Szkoła Główna Służby Zagranicznej (Warsaw: PWN, 1952)
- Encyklopedia prawa [Encyclopaedia of law], part 2, Szkoła Główna Służby Zagranicznej (Warsaw: PWN, 1952)
- Wykład pt. Encyklopedia prawa [Lecture entitled “Encyclopaedia of law”], vol. 5, Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki w Warszawie, Studium Zaoczne, Katedra Prawa (Kraków, Warsaw, 1953)
- Zasady prawa cywilnego [Principles of civil law], Szkoła Główna Służby Zagranicznej w Warszawie (Warsaw: PWN, 1953)
- Wykład pt. Encyklopedia prawa [Lecture entitled “Encyclopaedia of law”], vol. 2, Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki w Warszawie, Studium Zaoczne, Katedra Prawa (Warsaw, 1954)
- Wykład pt. Prawo cywilne [Lecture entitled “Civil law”], vol. 1, Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki w Warszawie, Studium Zaoczne, Katedra Prawa (Warsaw 1954)
- Wykład pt. Prawo cywilne [Lecture entitled “Civil law”], vol. 2, Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki w Warszawie, Studium Zaoczne, Katedra Prawa, Wszystkie Wydziały (Warsaw 1954)
- Wykład pt. Prawo cywilne [Lecture entitled “Civil law”], vol. 3, Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki w Warszawie, Studium Zaoczne, Katedra Prawa, Wszystkie Wydziały (Warsaw 1954)
- Prawo cywilne [Civil law] (Łódź, Warsaw: PWN, 1955).
- Encyklopedia prawa [Encyclopaedia of law], part 1 (Warsaw: Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki, 1955)
- Encyklopedia prawa [Encyclopaedia of law], part 2 (Warsaw: Oddział Wydawniczy Zaocznych Studiów Ekonomicznych, 1956)
- Prawo cywilne [Civil law] (Warsaw: PWN, 1956)
- Encyklopedia prawa [Encyclopaedia of law] (introduction and chapter 1) (Warsaw: Oddział Wydawniczy Zaocznych Studiów Ekonomicznych, 1957)
- Prawo cywilne [Civil law], part 1 (Warsaw: Oddział Wydawniczy Zaocznych Studiów Ekonomicznych, 1957)
- Prawo cywilne [Civil law], part 2, 2nd ed. (Warsaw: Oddział Wydawniczy Zaocznych Studiów Ekonomicznych, 1957)
- Encyklopedia prawa [Encyclopaedia of law], 2nd ed., corrected and supplemented (Warsaw, Łódź: PWN, 1957)
- Encyklopedia prawa [Encyclopaedia of law] (Warsaw: ZWSE Oddział Wydawniczy Zaocznych Studiów Ekonomicznych, 1958)
- Prawo cywilne [Civil law], 2nd ed. (Warsaw: PWN, 1959)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa: podręcznik dla wyższych szkół ekonomicznych [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law: A manual for all economic schools] (Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Prawnicze, 1960)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa: podręcznik [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law: A manual] (Warsaw: PWN, 1960)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law], 2nd ed. (Warsaw: PWN, 1962)
- Prawo cywilne [Civil law] (Warsaw: PWN, 1964)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law], 3rd ed. (Warsaw: PWN, 1964)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law], 4th ed., unchanged (Warsaw: PWN, 1966)
- Prawo cywilne [Civil law], 2nd ed., unchanged (Warsaw: PWN, 1966)
- Materiały do nauki prawa cywilnego: materiały szkoleniowe dla aktywu gospodarczego [Materials for the study of civil law: Training materials for economic cadre], Zarząd Główny Związku Zawodowego Pracowników Handlu i Spółdzielczości (Warsaw: Zakład Wydawnictw Centrali Rolniczej Spółdzielni, 1967)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law], 5th ed., unchanged (Warsaw: PWN, 1967)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law], 6th ed., unchanged (Warsaw: PWN, 1968)
- Zarys prawa cywilnego [Outline of civil law] (Warsaw: PWN, 1969)
- Stosunki prawne przedsiębiorstwa handlowego z uczestnikami obrotu towarowego oraz instrumenty prawne zapewniające właściwe wykonywanie umów [Legal relations of a trade enterprise with participants in the trade of goods, and legal instruments ensuring proper performance of contracts], co-author Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw: PUR “Reklama,” 1970)
- Zarys prawa cywilnego [Outline of civil law], 2nd ed. (Warsaw: PWN, 1970)
- Organizacja prawna przedsiębiorstwa państwowego i spółdzielni [Legal organization of the state enterprise and cooperative], co-author Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw: PUR “Reklama”, 1970)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law], 7th ed., unchanged (Warsaw: PWN, 1970)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law], 8th ed. (Warsaw: PWN, 1971)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law], 9th ed. (Warsaw: PWN, 1972)
- Zarys prawa cywilnego [Outline of civil law], 3rd ed. (Warsaw: PWN, 1972)
- Elementy prawa: skrypt dla studentów I roku [Elements of law: Textbook for first-year students] (Warsaw: Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki, 1974)
- Zarys encyklopedii prawa [Outline of an encyclopaedia of law], 10th ed., revised (Warsaw: PWN, 1974)
- Elementy prawa [Elements of law] (Warsaw: PWN, 1976)
- Elementy prawa [Elements of law], 2nd ed. (Warsaw: PWN, 1977)
- Prawno-organizacyjna infrastruktura sektora państwowego gospodarki narodowej [Legal organizational infrastructure of the state sector of the national economy] (Warsaw: Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki, 1980)
- Prawo gospodarcze [Economic law] (Warsaw: PWN, 1982)
- Słownik prawniczy polsko-angielski [Polish-English legal dictionary], collective work (Warsaw 1986)
- Słownik prawniczy polsko-niemiecki [Polish-German legal dictionary], collective work (Warsaw 1987)
- Przedsiębiorstwo państwowe: studium prawne [The state enterprise: A legal study] (Warsaw: PWN, 1988)