Competition for an outstanding scholarly work on trademark, competition or antitrust law
Entries are now being accepted for the first edition of the Competition. The deadline for submission of works has been extended to 31 December 2024.
Detailed requirements for the scholarly works, the rules for submitting them to the Competition, as well as the rules for evaluation and award of the prize, are set forth in the Competition Rules.
Scholarly works on trademark, competition or antitrust law may be submitted for the competition. The work may be a master’s thesis, doctoral or postdoctoral dissertation, monograph, or other work of a scholarly nature.
Eligible works must have been published no earlier than four years before the announcement of the current edition of the competition on 11 April 2023. The works must be accompanied by at least one written review from persons holding a doctorate or higher degree or representing the judiciary or prosecution service. The works must be at least 100 pages long. They may be written in English or Polish.
Scholarly works qualifying for the competition will be evaluated by an award committee composed of leading representatives of the Polish and international legal community.
The aim of the Prof. Irena Wiszniewska-Białecka Prize is to provide substantial support for scholars studying trademark, competition and antitrust law, and thus promote the advancement of learning and innovation.
To this end, the author (or authors) of the best work in the competition, chosen by the award committee, will receive a cash prize of USD 20,000.
Send your submission to the e-mail address

Maciej's research interests lie at the intersection of competition law and constitutional law, administrative law and EU law. His publications appeared in, inter alia, the Common Market Law Review, the European Law Review, the Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, the Columbia Journal of European Law, the World Competition, and the European Law Journal. He is also an author of three monographs and numerous articles in Polish journals as well as a co-author of two leading commentaries to the Polish Competition Act and Polish Unfair Competition Act. His newest book, published by the Cambridge University Press, discusses the illiberal influence of populist governments on competition law system.
Maciej teaches EU law, competition law, as well as course in business and human rights. He has received scholarships and research grants from several institutions, including the Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission, the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, and the Polish National Science Centre. In the past he worked as a référendaire in the Polish Supreme Court and in the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland as well as in the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, where he coordinated the Strategic Litigation Program. He has been involved in cases litigated before the European Court of Human Rights and Polish courts.
You may view Maciej's research at SSRN Author page:

Her research interests cover cumulative protection in intellectual property, with a specific focus on product protection, functionality in trademark and design law, as well as the interface between IP and competition rules, especially in relation to brands.
She is an active member of ATRIP (International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property), as well as a member of EPIP (European Policy for Intellectual Property) and IPIRA (IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia).

She teaches inter alia at Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC) and was a visiting professor (Hauser Global Law School Program) at NYU, New York, as well as at sev era I European universities and at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She was President of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP) for the term 2007-2009.
She is the author of books and numerous articles in the field of national, European and international trademark, unfair competition and industrial design law as well as international jurisdiction and choice of law.

Member of the Advisory Committee on the Award for Good Admnistration at the Office of the European Ombudsman
Co-Founder and Member of the Good Lobby Professors
2015-2016 Fulbright Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley
2017-2018 LAPA Crane Fellow; Princeton University
2019 Fernand Braudel Fellow, European University Institute
Principal Investigator, H2020 Reconciling Europe with its citizens through rule of law and democracy (RECONNECT)
Principal Investigator, JUSTICE: Trust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability for judges and arbitrators under the EU Charter (TRIIAL)
Principal Investigator, Judges and Virtues. A study in the aretaic theory of the judiciary
Expert for “New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe” (NORFACE) and member of the NORFACE Expert Writing Group on “Negotiating democratic governance in a turbulent age”
Honorary Ambassador of Polish Congresses
2017 - 2018 Member of the Organizing Committee of the Younger Scholar’s Forum at World Congress of Comparative Law, Fukuoka, 2018;
2018 - 2019 Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Global Dean’s Forum of the International Association of Law Schools (IALS) and of the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Law Schools (IALS)
Attorney specializing in strategic litigation before supranational, international and highest domestic courts
Former référendaire in the Court of Justice
Former adviser to the Polish Constitutional Court
Author of 11 books and over 300 scholarly papers

He is Professor of Law (Practice) at Singapore Management University and Professor of Intellectual Property Law at King’s College London, as well as Managing Director of the David Llewelyn & Co LLC law firm in Singapore.
David sits as an IP Adjudicator at the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore and hears disputes as a Singapore Domain Names Dispute Resolution Panelist.
He has written extensively on IP, IT and other aspects of commercial law, including co-authoring Cornish, Llewelyn & Aplin, Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks & Allied Rights (9th edition, 2019), Kerly’s Law of Trade Marks & Trade Names (16th edition, 2018; Supplement, 2021) and Cases, Materials & Commentary on [Singapore] Intellectual Property Law (2018). He has also explained the commercial aspects of IP law in Asia in his business book Invisible Gold in Asia: Creating Wealth through Intellectual Property (2010).
David has been appointed amicus curiae by the Singapore Court of Appeal to advise it in a number of cases involving IP.
He is an international commercial arbitrator on the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (main and IP panels), Asian International Arbitration Centre, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board and Chinese Arbitration Association International panels of arbitrators.
Specializes in Polish and European competition law, he is an author or co-author of over one hundred publications on competition law, consumer protection law, digital market regulation and intellectual property law, including the monographs “The concept of undertaking in Polish and European competition law” (Wolters Kluwer 2009) and “Bid-rigging in competition and criminal law” (Wolters Kluwer 2016). Co-author of the “System of European Union Law” (Vol. 9 “Competition Law”, CH Beck 2024), as well as commentaries on the Polish Act on Competition and Consumer Protection (CH Beck 2009, 2014 and 2025), the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Wolters Kluwer 2012) and the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act (CH Beck 2024).
Attorney-at-Law, member of the Warsaw Bar Association. In the past he also worked for the Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (2001-2015), where for six years he held a position of the director of Competition Protection Department.