Statute of the Prof. Jerzy Wiszniewski Foundation [excerpts]

  1. The Prof. Jerzy Wiszniewski Foundation [Fundacja im. prof. Jerzego Wiszniewskiego] (the “Foundation”) was established in accordance with the wishes of the Founder, Irena Wiszniewska-Białecka, daughter of Prof. Jerzy Wiszniewski, pursuant to her will dated 29 January 2001
  2. The Foundation shall operate in accordance with the Foundations Act of 6 April 1984 (Journal of Laws Dz.U. 1991 no. 46 item 97) and this statute.

§ 2

  1. The Foundation shall operate within the Republic of Poland.
  2. The registered office of the Foundation shall be in Warsaw.

§ 3

The duration of the Foundation is unlimited.

§ 4

  1. The purpose of the Foundation is to contribute to the development and spread of the study and practice of competition, trademark and antitrust law in Poland. The Foundation’s purpose shall be realised through the award of prizes for outstanding scholarly work or outstanding legal activity in the aforementioned areas of law, the award of stipends to researchers and lawyers involved in those fields of law, and by making gifts to non-governmental organisations.
  2. The amount of any prize, stipend or gift shall be determined by the Management Board depending on the available funds for realisation of the Foundation’s purpose, taking into account the securing of funds for further payment of prizes in the future.

§ 6

  1. The body of the Foundation is the Management Board of the Foundation.
  2. The Management Board shall comprise four members, including the President and the Secretary. The members of the Management Board shall serve without remuneration, except for the Secretary, who shall maintain the documentation and handle the organisation of the work of the Foundation.
  3. The President of the Foundation is Tomasz Wardyński.
  4. The Secretary of the Management Board is Marzena Białasik….

§ 7

  1. The Management Board shall direct the operations of the Foundation and represent it externally.
  2. The Management Board may appoint an Advisory Council comprising three to seven members, whose purpose shall be to submit recommendations to the Management Board as to persons and initiatives which should receive financial support from the Foundation in the form of a prize, stipend or gift, and to submit proposals as to the amount of support to be provided. Until the appointment of such Council, the decision on granting stipends and gifts shall be taken by the Foundation’s Management Board.
  3. The detailed rules for operation of the Management Board and Advisory Council shall be specified in bylaws adopted by the Management Board.

§ 8

  1. The first Management Board shall be appointed by Tomasz Wardyński, acting with authority from the Founder.
  2. If for any reason a member of the Management Board ceases to perform that function, the remaining members shall unanimously appoint a new member.

§ 9

  1. For resolutions of the Management Board to be valid, a simple majority of votes in the presence of its membership shall be required, unless otherwise provided by this statute. If there is an equal number of votes, the vote of the President of the Management Board shall be decisive.
  2. Resolutions of the Management Board may be adopted at sessions thereof or in written form, if all members of the Management Board consent to that form of voting.

§ 10

Declarations of will on behalf of the Foundation involving its financial rights and obligations shall be made by two members of the Management Board jointly.

§ 11

  1. The Foundation’s statute may be amended by a resolution of the Management Board of the Foundation adopted unanimously.
  2. An amendment to the statute may not substantially alter the purpose of the Foundation.
